Saturday, April 5, 2008

NEXT TO MEXICO comes out in August, 2008

Hi, Bloggers,
I am very excited to announce that my first book, a middle grade novel called Next to Mexico, will be out in a few months! Here are the details:

Next to Mexico
August, 2008
Ages 9–12, 224 pages
ISBN-13/EAN: 978-0-618-96635-6

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston, Massachusetts
Available wherever books are sold or by calling 1-800-225-3362

Next to Mexico is based on my solo play, Lylice, which has been seen in schools, theater festivals, cabarets, and educators' conventions all over the world.

I invite writers and readers of all ages to comment here on what you're reading, what your all-time favorite books are, and any tips on writing that you want to share.

Stay tuned for more information on book events coming up this fall. Thanks for reading!

Jen Nails
Visit for more info

"Jen Nails renders the emotional surges of middle-school life with humor and heart. In Lylice Martin, she's created a character who will not only make you smile til your cheeks hurt, but will also inspire you to dream big and trust your gut."
- Time Out New York

About Me

My photo
I'm Jen Nails, a school librarian, writer, mom, divorced woman, Italian-American, National Park and hot yoga addict. Here are things that feel important that I want to remember and that l will add to when I feel like.