Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hello and help!

BREAKING NEWS: Five copies of NEXT TO MEXICO must be sent to needy children. And only YOU can get them there. For every 20 posts on my blog, I will donate one book to a children's hospital in the USA. But you must act fast! The books want to get there before Christmas (and if possible before the last night of Hanukah, which is in three nights!). Why the rush? To make it FUN. So hop to it.

Post a comment on this blog. Write about anything you want. Books that you like, why you like them, favorite snacks, etc. Lylice and Mexico eat quesadillas and fried ice cream in NTM. And there are also cookies. Flower-shaped cookies. But you already knew that, because you read the book.

Just post, and for every twenty comments, a book goes out to sick kids. In the book, Mexico has diabetes (but you already knew that). She would be able to identify with the children who'll be receiving the book when you post.

Write about school or work or your favorite music or website. A piece of news that you heard about that you thought was interesting. Lylice writes for the Suffragette Weekly Reader at school...okay, okay, I know YOU'VE already read the book, but after you post, pass the word on to someone you know who hasn't!

THIS JUST IN: the 100th commenter on this blog receives a FREE COPY of NEXT TO MEXICO. Get ON this, people. Details will follow, once we get to 100.

Post post post! Put a new book in the hands of someone very deserving.

Gracias and adios!


kl said...

Yay for free books for sick kids!

ilov said...

I love you Jen! You're such an inspiration with a kind heart. MUAH!

Anonymous said...

I love this book! Jen, you rock!

David M. said...

I hope lots of people comment! Thanks so much for visiting our school that was really nice! NTM was really good and my sister loves it!

Unknown said...

Such a great idea, Jen!

Kimmy Gatewood said...

this is my commeeeenttt!
Jen Nails is neatoooooo!
Lylice is aweeesommme!
Now eat a burritooooo!

jm said...

free books for sick kids!

jennailsauthor said...

Does it count if I comment on my own blog? Judges say it does...just keeping the ball rolling. Keep the posts coming! And thank you to the first seven bloggers!

Rob Reese said...

Only YOU can leave the next comment which will generate a donation!

(feel the pressure!)

Chris said...

My niece still talks about the book and i gave it to her last Christmas! Yay again for free books for sick kids!

AEB said...

This is a very cool idea!

About Me

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I'm Jen Nails, a school librarian, writer, mom, divorced woman, Italian-American, National Park and hot yoga addict. Here are things that feel important that I want to remember and that l will add to when I feel like. www.jennails.com