Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stories and Squirts!

Well, after two tries, no one has showed for this wet writing workshop I'm trying to get goin' on in Brooklyn. If you're reading this and you're sweaty but you like making up stories, COME to Brooklyn this Friday at 10am for some writing and some squirting. A wonderful editor from the NY Times was kind enough to list and feature the event in the paper last Friday but I think the TV weather people trumped the Times and parents made their kids stay inside taped to their air conditioners, while my son and I were getting soaked at Greenwood Playground.

One last hope that I get to squirt a bunch of eight year olds:

Stories and Squirts!
Friday, July 2792011

Greenwood Playground
E 5th Street at Greenwood Avenue
Brooklyn, NY
(F or G to Fort Hamilton Parkway)

Read the short feature in the Times about Stories and Squirts!

I'll be leading writing workshops with kids ages 8 and up. Every 15 minutes, I'll squirt everyone with a water shooter. Come hot and ready to write. Bring a pen and notebook (and squirt gun if you want). We'll focus on creating memorable characters, beginnings, middles, and ends, and what makes a good story. At the end of the workshop, I will ask a wet-themed trivia question, and whoever answers correctly will win a (damp) signed copy of Next to Mexico.

Sponsored by Friends of Greenwood Playground

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About Me

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I'm Jen Nails, a school librarian, writer, mom, divorced woman, Italian-American, National Park and hot yoga addict. Here are things that feel important that I want to remember and that l will add to when I feel like.