Monday, May 14, 2012

SCBWI Presentation, April 2012

After years of attending SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) conferences, I was honored to present a workshop last month at the New England SCBWI's spring conference. My workshop focused on bringing improvisation and writing together and how you're striving to tell the truth in each discipline. I was scared to get up and do the presentation and had the feeling that you sometiems have before these things where you wish you were home in your pajamas and not putting on mascara in a hotel room, but once I got up in front of the group in Springfield, we had a great time. Below is a photo of my back and shoulder blade and a bunch of participants during the 2-hour workshop.
A giant thank you to Kathryn and Marilyn who brought me to the conference and to all of the participants. For a list of all of the awesome authors that were featured at the event, and to read more about SCBWI, visit

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About Me

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I'm Jen Nails, a school librarian, writer, mom, divorced woman, Italian-American, National Park and hot yoga addict. Here are things that feel important that I want to remember and that l will add to when I feel like.